LTP costs can be tracked after budget approval, through the reports.
Go from process menu to Long term planning > Reports
In the view that opens, you select a LTP budget report that opens the view to enter filter criteria.
After the budget is approved, this budget report can be used to track the cost status of an item. To track costs, select the following as the report filter criteria:
Budgeting phase: the phase you want to view
Grouped by: The desired way to group by
Cost: Desired costs. The default selection for the report is budget, current budget cost estimate, implementation, and off-budget actions.
Finally, select Preview report to view the approved budget with the filter criteria you selected.
In the Budget column, you can see the budgeted amount for all budgeted measures.
In the current cost estimate, you can see the cost estimate for all action categories that are for the budget period at the time of printing.
In the Actual for the Budget Period column, you see the realized cost of actions for the budget period.
Actions outside the budget contains an estimate of the cost of all actions that are not budgeted. The amounts of these measures are also included in the amounts in the current cost estimate column.