To create a new audit, select following from the menu Maintenance Audit > Audit

Create a new audit by selecting Add new audit

The form to create a new audit appears.

  1. Select the preferred audit template from the dropdown menu
  2. Define audit time. Audit time can vary from 1 month - 12 months depending on the length of the audit time defined for the audit template.
  3. Select service area/areas.
  4. Select auditor. The auditor dropdown menu is filtered based on the service areas selected.
  5. You can choose whether you create the audit as a draft or straight into progress. If you'd like to create the audit as a draft, you should tap the box for Create audit as draft. If you don't put a selection in the box, then the audit  will be created to In progress phase, and can be audited without a separate action to start.

To create audit as draft is useful when you want to select an audit time that is not the current one, but in the future. Then the audit can be started at the correct time.

Save audit by clicking Save