If you want to remove a user account, this can be done through user management. 


From the process menu, go to User Administration > User Management 


Use search to find the user you want to remove. 

 As a rule, users you want to remove should be locked. 

  1. 1. When you lock a user account, user can no longer log in. 

  1. 2. However, for tasks performed by a user, information about who performed them remains. 

  1. 3. When the user account has been locked for three (3) years, it will be deleted automatically. 


If the user account is completely deleted, it can no longer be restored. 

  1. 1. All tasks that are performed by that user account will be labeled "Deleted User" instead of the user's name. 

  1. 2. Therefore, it is not possible to trace the person performing these tasks through the user interface after the user has been deleted.