Audit templates are managed in the audit library. Access audit library by selecting following from the menu Maintenance Audit > Settings > Audit library

Audit groups and audit points can be copied and attached to the same, or to another, audit template.

Find the audit group, or point, that you want to copy, and click on the three dot icon to select + Copy

Find the level under which you want to attach the group or point you just copied. The + Link function is available only on those levels that you can attach the copied object on. This means, that you cannot attach an audit point to the wrong level.

If you want to attach an audit point to a group, then you should select the three dot icon for that specific group, under which you find the + Link function.

The copied object appears in the library with the original name, including -1 at the end.

When copying an audit group also the audit points and the audit point answer descriptions are included.

You can freely modify the audit groups and points that you have copied and attached to a new location.