Each device has based on device type defined attributes. In case some attribute field is missing, then this field can be added in the settings.

To add attributes go to Asset information > Settings from the process menu.

Start by checking whether the attribute you want to add already exists, and in that case can be added straight away. 

In the settings view, select Libraries

Start by selecting the correct library on the left side of the screen, in this case Suomi. Most often, the library to select is called RYHTI.

Continue by selecting the correct device type/level in the library.

Each device type have specific attributes defined, that appear visible on the right side of the screen. For this specific device type there are no attributes defined. 

Select Edit by Attributes of the type. A window appears, including all attributes created in Granlund Manager.

You can search for a specific attribute from the list by clicking Show search

If you find the attribute your looking for, then you can add that to a device/level. Select the attribute you want to add, and use the arrow buttons to move it to the right side. Look at the end of these instruction for further information about adding the attribute: Add attribute to the device type/level

If you cannot find the correct attribute, then you can create it. In this case, select Cancel, and move back to Asset information > Settings

From the settings select Attribute library

From the Attribute library, select Add new attribute

Also here you have the opportunity to check if the attribute already exists, Show search.  It is important to check that the attribute to be added does not already exist, to ensure that no doubles appear in the attribute library.

Fill in the information about the attribute you are about to add.

Unit. Suggestion is that this is defined if available.

Group name. Most often you should select [Default group]

  • You can define role rights to different attribute groups, and restrict visibility by this. Due to this, attributes can be defined into different attribute groups. 

Type defines the form of the information added in the field. The different types available, and their logic, are the following:

Text: Supports text, special characters ( - , = ~][{} ), numbers without character length restriction. One line field. Default values can be defined, and will appear as a dropdown menu.

Number: Supports numbers and special characters ( - , = ~][{} )

Boolean value: Only Yes and No default values available.  

Link: Link to another object in Granlund Manager. Only links within Granlund Manager. 

Date: Only supports values in date format.

Memo: Non restricted text field. Supports text, special characters, numbers and links.

Long text: Large text field. No default values can be set, meaning no dropdown menu. Supports text, special characters, numbers and links without character length restriction.

URL: Supports external URL links. Supports addresses with both www. and https://www.

Sum: Sum value = sum of selected available attributes. The attributes should be selected one by one, saving each one in between. Attributes appear after each other in the input field. You cannot modify, or add any special characters to the input field. The input field automatically sums all selected attributes. 

Calculation: Select attributes to be calculated from available attributes. Attributes should be selected one by one. Define calculation rule by selecting from following +-*/().

Please notice, that the type defined for an attribute cannot changed after the attribute has been used in asset information.

When the attribute is added to the Attribute library, then it can be added to the device type/level.

Add attribute to the device type/level

Go to Asset information > Settings > Libraries

Select the correct library again (Suomi/RYHTI) and the correct device type/level.

Select Edit, by the Attributes of the type.

From the window that opens find the correct attribute in the list on the right. Select the correct attribute by clicking on it. Then use the arrows in the middle to move it to the left side.

Go to Default values -tab, and define the default values of the attribute you are adding.

The default values defined for an attribute, for a drop down menu to select from. By using the default values, you can instruct in what form the information should be added in. For example the same date can be added in many different forms. Using the default values enables you to standardize the data content on different devices.

It is also possible to define, that only default values can be used in the field.

Please notice the last tab on the pop up called Use in report templates. You need to define on which templates the attribute should be visible on.

Click on Completed