Managing standard actions is done in the standard action library, that is accessed through the process menu Long term planning > Settings. In settings view select Standard Action Library


You can edit information about a standard action group and standard action, even if standard actions have been used on the process side.


Name changes are always reflected on the process side for all instances. This means that the names of the standard actions taken in the past also change when they are changed in the library. In order not to distort the history, the names of standard actions, as well as standard action groups, should be changed in a prudent manner. 


This does not apply to standard actions which names have been manually modified when adding to process.

For a standard action, the action category, maintenance period and pricing information can be freely modified. Edits do not take effect with standard actions that have already been created, but only with instances of standard actions that are created after editing.


The edits have no impact on history.

Standard actions that are in progress are completed with the information that existed in the library at the time of creation. When you acknowledge, the future standard action receives the updated information from the library.