Standard actions are added and managed in the same way as normal actions.


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When a standard action is marked as finished, the next occurrence is created into the future based on the maintenance interval defined in the standard action library.



Calculation of the next execution time


When you mark a standard action as done, you enter a finish date. The next execution time is calculated from this completion date, or more specifically from the year of the completion date.


Based on the library, the standard action has a maintenance period that can be between 1 and 50 years. The following execution time for the next instance of the standard action calculated in the following way:


Year of completion + maintenance period


Although the standard action is automatically scheduled according to the maintenance period defined in the library, you can change the timing of the standard action on the process side if required to.



Which data will be transferred to the future appearance of the standard action




If the standard action name has been modified, the modified name is transferred to a future standard action.




When you mark a standard action as finished, the actual cost amount is transferred to the cost estimate for the next standard action appearance. If there are no actual costs, the cost estimate will be transferred to the cost estimate for the standard action appearance.




The reason is not specified in the standard action library. When finished, the reason specified for the standard action is automatically transferred as the reason for the next standard action appearance.


Action category


Action category for a standard action is specified in the library. The action category for the next standard action appearance depends on the information specified in the library. Even though the action category has manually been changed on the process side, the next standard action is created based on the category defined in the library.