When the Service requests are selected in the drop-down menu on the left, all service requests for the building are displayed in the information panel on the right. Service requests show new requests and requests that are being processed.

The building and its spaces are color-coded based on the scale at the bottom of the image.

The user can select a specific layer to view through the layer menu on the left side. The requests displayed in the panel are filtered by the selected layer.

By selecting one of the rooms, the panel filters the request for that room. Similarly, if a service request from the panel were to be selected, the room to which the request is directed is highlighted.

By clicking the arrow for a specific request, you can view more details about the request. You can scroll up and down the request information. From the Manage service request button, the user can go to the service request process page to manage that request.

As you move to the service request process, the virtual property closes.