The dynamic evaluation scale is more flexible than a numeric default scale. The dynamic scale allows user to define the amount of reply options by each audit point.

The amount of reply options is defined when adding an audit point. When the audit template has been created on the dynamic evaluation scale, then Max grade field appears on the audit point view.

In this field user should input the amount of reply options that the specific question should have. Number can be any between 2 to 10. Only integers allowed.

Changing the number automatically changes the amount of reply fields visible. You can change the max grade value until an audit is done on the audit template.

If you have written text in all the reply fields, after which you decrease the max grade, the highest score including its text will automatically disappear.

The total score of an audit done on a dynamic evaluation scale, will be calculated on the scale 1 to 5. This is done by transforming each point score to the scale 1 to 5. Total score of audit is calculated taking into account the weightings on the different audit groups.