To switch to the main user view, select User Administration > User Management 

Kuva, joka sisältää kohteen teksti, kuvakaappaus, Fontti, muotoilu 
Kuvaus luotu automaattisesti 

At the top, the main view displays the Add new user button and the Search button. A user with permissions to the user management process will only see user IDs for the client bases to which he or she is entitled in that process. Visibility is also limited so, that the user does not see user IDs that are higher than themselves. For example, the main user does not see the user in the admin role. 


If the search criteria visible by default are not sufficient, you can search for user IDs by clicking Advanced Search. Through advanced search, it is possible to search for user IDs using a role and/or email address search. 


The search can be performed by filling in the search criteria for normal search and advanced search, considering all the search criteria that have been fulfilled. 


Click Searchto update the view with user IDs that meet the search criteria. 


Once the correct user ID has been found, you can edit it by clicking Edit next toit. 


Changes to the user ID are saved by pressing Save.