Click Settings in Deviation process menu.

Then click Energy


Three different deviations for energy can be used in deviation management.

  1. Meter is missing a reading from the required 0 reading cycle
  2. Meter X is missing “Hourly” readings
  3. Consumption of the meter "X" is out of the alarm threshold limits

Each of these deviations can only be active once for a single database. So, the maximum amount of energy deviations is three.


Meter is missing a reading from the required 0 reading cycle


Deviation classification: Time deviation

Deviation description: Deviation occurs if no readings have been recorded on the meter within the reading cycle. The deviation is directed at the time of the feed of consumption readings


Click Create a New Deviation to open a window where you can set up deviation rules. Let's start by selecting Meter X from the drop-down menu missing a reading from the required 0 reading cycle  


Specifications (*)

The activation of the deviation can be configured and can be activated after a specified date.

Deviation rule: Two choices can be made to the acceptable reading days of meter readings. How many days before the turn of the month and how many days after the turn of the month the readings are acceptable to read.

Permissions (*)

The visibility of the deviation is affected by the selected access roles. So, the selection decides on which access roles the deviation in question is visible.



It is possible to configure e-mail sending settings for the deviation in question. The data from the generated deviation can be sent either to the people in the selected roles or to the user IDs that have been selected.


Meter X is missing “Hourly” readings


Deviation classification: Time deviation

Deviation description: Deviation occurs if no readings have been recorded on the meter within the reading cycle. The deviation is directed at the time of the feed of consumption readings.


Click Create a New Deviation to open a window where you can set up deviation rules. Let's start by selecting Meter X missing from hourly readings from the drop-down menu


Specifications (*)

The activation of the deviation can be configured and set after the specified date.

Deviation rule: The deviation is affected by determining the transmission frequency of the readings by selecting the number of days the readings are transferred.

Permissions (*)

The visibility of the deviation is affected by the selected access roles. So, the selection decides on which access roles the deviation in question is visible.



It is possible to configure e-mail sending settings for the deviation in question. The data from the generated deviation can be sent either to the people in the selected roles or to the user IDs that have been selected.



Consumption of the meter "X" is out of the alarm threshold limits


Deviation classification: Time deviation

Deviation description: Deviation is created if the monthly or annual consumption of the meter exceeds the limit values.


Click Create a New Deviation to open a window where you can set up deviation rules. Let's start by selecting Consumption of the meter "X" is out of the alarm threshold limits from the drop-down menu.


Specifications (*)

This deviation type uses alert limit values that are part of the energy process. The management of alert limit values is in the energy process settings. On the Limit settings page, you can set limit values for the consumption. If consumption is not within the limit values, an offset is created. When this deviation is activated, you go through all consumption readings that are newer than the start date. This could take a few seconds to a few minutes.

Permissions (*)

The visibility of the deviation is affected by the selected access roles. So, the selection decides on which access roles the deviation in question is visible.



It is possible to configure e-mail sending settings for the deviation in question. The data from the generated deviation can be sent either to the people in the selected roles or to the user IDs that have been selected.