Granlund Manager audit process includes the phases Draft, In progress, Done, and an optional Approved phase.

Approved -phase is enabled in the audit process settings.


Draft phase. An audit in this phase cannot be audited. A draft is indicated by a grey icon. 

When starting an audit, you are still allowed to do the following actions:

  • Changing service area/areas and auditor.
  • If you'd like to change the audit time you need to do this when audit is still in Draft phase, by using the Edit button.
  • By selecting OK, the phase is changed to In progress.

In progress is indicated by a yellow icon.

By selecting Edit, you are still allowed to change the service area and auditor even though the audit is already in progress.

Done phase is indicated by a green icon.

If Approved phase is in use, then scores of audit points can still be modified in the Done phase. Also service requests and LTP actions can be created still at this point.

Approved phase is indicated by a green icon accompanied by a checked mark.