Audit templates are managed in the audit library. Access the audit library by selecting following from the menu 

Maintenance audit > Settings > Audit library

Audit templates can be modified to some extent, also after they have been used in one or multiple audits.

When an audit template is already in use, you can still modify the text content. This includes the headings and audit point answer descriptions.

  • The text changes are updated for audits in all phases, also the ones marked Done and Approved.

In case the changes that need to be done regarding the text content are big, then the suggestion is to multiply the audit template to a new template to which the changes can be made. In this way, the results of the already performed audits will not be corrupted. The old audit template can then be taken out of use, so that no new audits can be created using that.

Modification of all other sections of the audit template are disabled when template is used in one or multiple audits.

Multiplying the audit template and taking the old one out of use 

Find the audit template that you want to multiply and modify.

Multiply the audit template by selecting the three dot icon on the left side of it and selecting + Multiply

When multiplying the audit template, also the audit groups, points and related answer description are included.

The multiplied audit template appears in the audit library with the original name including -1 at the end.

The following sections can be modified on the multiplied audit template:

  • Audit period length can be modified
  • Next audit should be performed -selection (frequency) can be modified
  • Deletion and adding of audit groups
  • Deletion and adding of audit points
  • Modifying the weighting of audit groups
  • Text content can be modified freely