You can find the standard action library by going through the process menu > Long term planning > Settings


From settings, select Standard action library.


Add a new standard action group


Click Add Standard Action Group to add a new standard action group

Enter the name of the standard action group.

Finally, press Save


The standard action group appears as a separate line in the standard action library.



Add a new standard action


Standard actions are always added to a standard action group.


On the left side of the standard action group, press the 3-point icon and select + Add standard action

In the pop-up window that opens, you enter the relevant information about the standard action.


A standard action is assigned a name that is displayed as the default in the process. On the process side, the name of a single standard action can be modified.


If you edit names in a library, these edits are only reflected for standard actions on whose names have not been manually modified on the process side.


You can select any action category that is used in the customer database as an action category.


The maintenance period determines the number of years before the next instance of the standard action is created. The maintenance period can be defined as 1-50 years.


Pricing is text-formatted information. It is intended to serve as a guidance for the user entering the cost estimate.


Standard action in use - The selection affects whether the standard action appears in the drop-down menu on the process side. Whether it can be added, or whether it can automatically create new instances of it for the future.


Finally, press Save


The standard action appears as a separate line in the library.