To get started, select the asset from the technical tree. Next, go to meter view by selecting Energy > Meter management from the process menu. 



Basic view of meters: 


Extended view of meters: 


  To add/change the energy source of the consumption type, press the Edit button. 




The drop-down menu displays options for the consumption type that were created in the energy source library. Select the correct energy source and click Save. 






When the drop-down menu is empty, it means there is no energy source defined for the consumption. One can go to energy source library and set up energy sources first, see Settings – Energy Sources. 




After energy source is saved to the meter. The production format icon appears on top of the consumption type icon. 



In the basic view, the production format has its own column. By taking the cursor on top of the production format icon, one can see what kind of production form it is. 




 Different production format options: