The building or device can be moved to another location in the technical tree. When you move, the data linked to the object is also moving with it. This applies to all its lower levels, and to all process-specific data.


The transfer function can be found under Asset information > Edit structure.



In the technical tree, select the building, or any lower level of the building that you want to move to another location.


When the right building/lower level is selected, then click Move



In the next window, the user must choose where to move the object. The object must be moved to the correct level. The program will give a notice if user has selected a level that object can’t be moved to. A building must be moved under a property, and an device system under a building. For example, a building cannot be formed from a device system, i.e. it cannot be moved to a higher level.



When the correct level is selected below which you want to move the building/device, click Next. At this point, the program will ask you to redirect the service areas of the source location to the new location.


The redirection of service areas ensures that all information linked to the building/device is transferred and correctly directed in the new location.




If there is a service area with the same name in the new location, then this can be found in the drop-down menu by default. Service area linking is recommended to be done for a service area of a similar style. If you can't find a suitable service area in a new location, you can choose "Import as a new service area. In this case, a new service area is created to this location.


The service area redirection feature takes into account the processes in which service areas are enabled. Drop-down menus list only those service areas that are used in at least the same process/processes.