You can add comments to a service request that appear in the comments section of the individual service request view. Comments can be added during the status change or manually using the "Add new comment" button in the comments section. 

You can add comments to a service request that appear in a separate comments section in the view of that service request. Comments can be added either during the status change or manually via the 'Add new comment' button.


Comment left when changing a status

When service requests are in progress, marked complete, or reopened, the system prompts the user to add a comment to the service request. Such comments appear in the Comments-section of the individual service request view. Comments made in connection with the change of status are marked according to the status stage at which they were given. By default, all comments created during the status switch are 'Public'. Status changes can be made in the following locations:

• Manage requests page, quick actions

• Individual service request view

• Editing a service request

Kuva, joka sisältää kohteen teksti, numero, ohjelmisto, Verkkosivusto

Kuvaus luotu automaattisestiKuva, joka sisältää kohteen teksti, Fontti, numero, ohjelmisto

Kuvaus luotu automaattisestiKuva, joka sisältää kohteen teksti, kuvakaappaus, ohjelmisto, Verkkosivusto

Kuvaus luotu automaattisesti




Normal comment 

You can add comments to a service request without status changes directly in the individual service request view in the Comments section. There are two additional setting options for the comment: "Make comment public" and "Send also by email".

A "public" comment appears when viewing a service request in the front-page Info window or on an External asset page in the Service request Widget. In addition, the system sends an email to the contact person of the service request, if the submitter has selected the option "I want to receive emails about the progress of the service request" when creating the one. You can remove public comments via an additional setting selection behind the three dots.

Kuva, joka sisältää kohteen teksti, kuvakaappaus, Fontti, ohjelmisto

Kuvaus luotu automaattisesti

You can enter one or more email addresses in the recipient list on the "Send also by email" function. The system provides a list of users if the following conditions are met:

• Added to property contact information

• @ Automatic service request notifications of are cases selected

• Access to the service area of the service request is enabled 

• The user's own message settings allow notifications about service requests





Kuva, joka sisältää kohteen teksti, kuvakaappaus, ohjelmisto, näyttö

Kuvaus luotu automaattisesti