To access settings, you select Service request > Settings from the process menu

From the settings page, select Quality feedback questions

Quality feedback questions are defined by database. All properties have the same quality feedback questions. The questions, and the amount of these, can be defined based on customer need. The amount of reply options can be between 2 – 10, which is the evaluation scale of the quality feedback. The text on each reply option can be defined freely.

By using the arrow besides the question, user can view the reply options for the question. Both question and reply answers can be modified by selecting Modify from the three-dot menu on the left side of the question.

The order of the questions can be modified by drag and drop function using the icon on the left side of the screen. Select one of the questions by the icon and drag it to the preferred location. The order of the questions on the setting page, is the same order that is presented on the quality feedback form sent to the tenant.

Evaluation scale and change of evaluation scale

The evaluation scale determines the amount of reply options available for a question. Each question has the same amount of reply options. Texts of the reply options can be defined to suit each individual question.

The evaluation scale can be modified as long as no quality feedback replies are received on the questions in use. By modifying the evaluation scale value from eg. 5 to 2, the reply options 5, 4 and 3 are deleted from each question automatically. 


Changing the evaluation scale of quality feedback 

When changing the evaluation scale, all questions in use will automatically be deactivated.

Questions not in use, can be viewed in the library, be deactivating the selection on the right side of the screen.

All quality feedback questions and their reply options need to be created again, when changing the evaluation scale.

If you change the evaluation scale back to the original scale, the questions will not automatically turn back to in use status. If you want to activate the previously used questions, view also the currently not active questions.

Then follow the instructions in section How do I take in use a question that has been marked not in use? 

Duplicating reply options 

You can have same reply options for all questions. This is easiest to do by using the Duplicate functionality.

Start by creating a question and add the written text for the reply options. Then click Save. Continue by selecting Duplicate, available in the three-dot menu on the left side of the question. Duplicate will duplicate both question and included reply options as a new row in the settings view. After this you are able to modify the written text on the second question, and the reply options, if you so prefer.

How do I take in use a question that has been marked not in use? 

When a question is marked Not in use, it will not be visible on the feedback form sent to the requester/tenant.

Questions that are not in use, can be returned in use, if the amount of reply options match the currently active evaluation scale.

You can turn a non-active question into use my selecting Modify available in the three-dot menu on the left side of the question. In the modify view, add a selection in the box In use. Then press Save



I want to delete a question 

A quality feedback question can be deleted from the settings page as long as no requester/tenant hasn’t replied to it. To delete, select Delete, available in the three-dot menu on the left side of the question.

When question has been used, that is, requester/tenant has replied replied to a question, question cannot longer be deleted. At this point, user can deactivate the question. Non active questions are not visible on the quality feedback form sent to requester/tenant.

To deactivate a question, select Modify from the three-dot menu on the left side of the question. In the bottom part of the view, delete the selection in part In use. Then press Save. Now question has been deactivated.